My husband and I had our first ultrasound at 12 weeks. During that ultrasound, we saw, that we were having a boy.
I saw his little heartbeat, I was growing all of his organs. I couldn’t wait to tell the whole world about our son. We already had a name picked out. We named him Christopher Andrew.
Our son would have the same qualities, I just couldn’t wait to hold our son, I went to buy little outfits for him.
I couldn’t wait to hold him and talk to him, I loved watching my belly grow and I hated to sleep on my side. I am a stomach sleeper. Anything else I loved. I loved poking my stomach and seeing his little kicks and pokes. We would play tag all the time. My mom’s cat would lay on my stomach and Christopher would kick him and the cat would angrily look at my mom. We laugh about that to this day.

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