We scheduled my induction date for August 21st, 2012 at 6pm. I called my mom and told her that we will meet at Valley View hospital. My husband went to work that Tuesday morning and my mom surprised me with breakfast at my house. We spent the whole day watching the Twilight movies.
I didn’t know what I was in for, I don’t think any first time mother knows, what they are in for until it happens. All I knew, that we were going to be parents. We got checked in and my husband helped me put the hospital gown on and those famous hospital socks.
At 8pm we started the pitocin, along with that we also started an IV with antibiotics for GBS. They wanted to make sure our son had some in his system before being born. At midnight they broke my water because I was not progressing like they wanted me to, I was only at 4cm dilated. After that things started to progress quickly.
I asked for an epidural at 4 in the morning. Our son’s heart started dropping. We finally got him stabilized. At 5 in the morning, I felt the urge to push and after 3-4 pushes our beautiful boy was born, I didn’t care that his shoulders tore me from the front to the back. I quickly got stitches, while my mom and husband were sharing to hold my beautiful little boy.
We couldn’t believe that he was finally here. I kept wondering, how I was suppose to care for him. Thoughts like, how am I suppose to know what he needs? kept going through my head. I quickly learned that every cry meant something different.
Our son was born on August 22nd, 2012 at 5.31am. He weighed 6lbs and 6oz. He was 17 inches tall. Now in a little over than 5 months he will be 13 years old. Can you imagine being a teenager again? I sure can’t. Next Wednesday, I have 8th grade parent night for our son, so he can choose already some high school classes a year before he starts high school. I cannot wrap my head around that one.
Well have fun reading and I hope you enjoy coming back. Love you guys.
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