Hello Everybody and welcome to my life story,

Here is a little background of what I have been up to for the past 14 years. I met my wonderful husband on a dating site. He was the first one to reach out to me. On our first date he took me to see the water fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. We watched an entire session.

After that he took me to the Santa Fe Casino and we went bowling. We played maybe on or two sessions, if that. We started talking and he asked me questions about my family life and how many siblings I have.

I asked him the same questions and we never even finished our game. He took me home and even opened the car door for me. That was new to me because no men has ever done that for me. I said good night to him and I went inside. He waited until I was inside and then he drove home. He was/is truly a gentleman.

I sat in the garage maybe 5 minutes when my mom came in and we smoke a cigarette and she asked me how my date was. I told her that I had so much fun and I could see myself going out with him again. She was happy, that I finally found somebody that I could connect with even if it was just going to be a friendship.

Two weeks past by and he showed up at my house. In between that time we were skyping everyday on skype. He found out that I loved to watch Smallville. He brought the first season of Smallville over. So we started the first 2 episodes together. Well my bed broke in half. He told me that he would come by the next day after work and he would fix it. He sure did keep his promise and that was huge for me. I never had a man keep his promises. So that for sure was a huge plus. I was happy that my bed was fixed.

We had made plans that we would meet up again on the weekend. I was in a German American Club in Las Vegas and I participated in German traditional dancing. We had a performance and he came and watched me and my family and friends perform. Everybody was asking me, who he was and I started to blush because the more time I spend with him the more I fell in love with him.

One month after we met, he came over to my parents house and he just kissed me out of the blue. I just knew then that he felt the same way as me. This was in October 2010. We have not been apart since that day. We have been together for 14 almost 15 years. He is my best friend and my soulmate.

I hope you enjoyed my little introduction. There is more to come tomorrow and as for now see you later alligator.

Pregnancy Announcement

It was a typical Friday night at my parents’ house. Glen and I were just watching Smallville. We were relaxing in my room. We were deep into planning our wedding, that would take place in less than 3 months.

Later on that night, we went to the store to run some errands. I got myself a pregnancy test because I just had a gut feeling. Once we came home, I went to my room and took the test. It immediately showed up pregnant. I just couldn’t believe it. I was in total shock. I took the test and showed Glen. He was happy, me on the other hand was scared to tell my parents. I just didn’t want to disappoint them. We talk for a few hours and then called it a night.

In the morning I got up and I made myself some breakfast. It was December 18th. I remember it well because it was just a day before Tania’s birthday. Once everybody was up, we gathered all in the living room. I looked at Glen and then I looked at my parents. With a serious look I told them, that I was pregnant. Tania was happy to become an aunt. My mom and I had a real long talk. My dad just had a disappointed look on his face. He wasn’t talking or looking at Glen at all. I was just hoping that he would come around before the wedding. It took about two months, but he did come around. I was just pleased that he finally got used to the idea of becoming an Opa ( German for grandfather).

Stay tuned for my next blog. I will post 3 or more blogs each day.


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